RRB Group D Recruitment 2024-25 Notification PDF Out for 32438 Vacancy Apply Online official Website

भारत सरकार, रेल मंत्रालय रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी)
केन्द्रीयकृत रोजगार अधिसूचना (सीईएन) संख्या- 08/2024 7वें सीपीसी वेतन मैट्रिक्स के लेवल 1 में विभिन्न पदों के लिए भर्ती स्तर 1 में विभिन्न पदों के लिए पात्र उम्मीदवारों से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए जाते हैं। विस्तृत सीईएन 08/2024 अपलोड किया जाएगा और आवेदन ऑनलाइन जमा करने के लिए लिंक नीचे पैरा 8 में सूचीबद्ध आरआरबी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइटों पर लाइव होगा:-
आवेदन की प्रारंभिक तिथि: 23.01.2025
आवेदन जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि: 22.02.2025 11:59 PM
- लेवल-1 पदों के लिए रिक्तियां:
Government of India, Ministry of Railways
Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs)
Recruitment for Various Posts in Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Various Posts in Level 1. Detailed CEN 08/2024 will be uploaded and the link for online submission of application will be live on the official websites of the RRBs listed at para 8 below:
- Opening date of Application: 23.01.2025
- Closing date for submission of Application: 22.02.2025 11:59 PM
1. Vacancies for Level-1 posts:
- Name of the Post: Various Posts in Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
- Initial Pay: ₹18,000
- Post-Wise Educational Qualification & Medical Standard: See Annexure A in the detailed CEN
- Age (as on 01.07.2025): 18-36 years
- Total Vacancies (All Railways): Approx. 32,000
Railway Zone-wise detailed distribution of vacancies is given in Annexure B of the detailed CEN. Vacancies under CCAA are applicable to apprentices trained in Railway Establishments only.
2. Age (as on 01.07.2025):
For details, please refer para 5.0 to 5.6 of the detailed CEN.
3. Standard of Medical Fitness:
For details, please refer para 3.0 of the detailed CEN.
4. Reservation:
For SC, ST, OBC-NCL, EWS, ExSM, CCAA & PwBD: For details, please refer para 8.0 to 12.8 of the detailed CEN.
5. Mode of Examination:
Computer Based Test (CBT).
6. Examination Fee:
SL. No. | Candidate Category | Fee |
1 | For all candidates except the fee concession categories mentioned below at SL.No. 2. Out of this fee of ₹500, an amount of ₹400 shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in CBT. | ₹500/- |
2 | For PwBD / Female / Transgender / Ex-Servicemen candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST / Minority Communities / Economically Backward Class (EBC). Caution to Candidates: EBC should not be confused with OBC or EWS. This fee of ₹250 shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable, on appearing in CBT. | ₹250/- |
7. Recruitment Process:
For details, please refer para 14.0 of the detailed CEN.
8. How to Apply:
For details, please refer to CEN 08/2024 available on the official websites of RRBs.